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IESL NSW Chapter Annual Engineers Convention 2023
17 June 2023 @ 6:30 pm
Our main event of the year is the Engineers Convention which includes an Engineers’ Conference 6th June and a Gala Dinner 17th June at the Epping Club 45 – 47 Rawson Street Epping, NSW. At the conference six shortlisted papers are presented. Gala Dinner includes the presentation of IESL NSW Engineers awards for the best paper published, the best innovation/invention and the best engineering project. The purpose of this event is to bring together Professional Engineers (a majority with Sri Lankan background) in NSW to exchange information and views on their experiences and emerging issues as well as providing an opportunity for networking, whilst enjoying a night of fun and camaraderie. Last year around 250 engineers and their partners attended the Gala Dinner , live music and entertainment follow.